Why I Am Grateful to Work in a Catholic School

by Amy Bowman
Recently, I had the opportunity to speak to our freshman girls PE classes about the benefits of having required strength training as a part of their daily school schedule. The skills they are learning and the habits they are building, if continued, will benefit every aspect of their overall health for years to come. 

As an adult, I often have to wake up very early or drag myself to the gym at the end of a long day. Exercise is so important for my overall well-being, but if I’m being honest, I don’t always like doing it. The temptation to hit the snooze button is strong, and I don’t have the benefit of a Coach Adams encouraging me and holding me accountable.

Last week, I had the pleasure of accompanying our Senior class on their mission trip. I had an overwhelming sense of gratitude that I work in a place that provides me these formative opportunities. While my ultimate goal was to make it an unforgettable experience for our students, I also found that my own spiritual cup was filled in more ways than I could ever have expected.

Upon reflection, I realize that sometimes practicing my faith is a bit like exercise. There have been days or stages in my life where the temptation to hit the spiritual snooze button would have been strong. Pinecrest is a place where opportunities to grow closer to God are not only offered but expected! I believe in the value of a Catholic education for our children and families, but I treasure the privilege of practicing my own faith as part of my actual job!

In my years at Pinecrest, I have never had to accommodate my daily schedule to make time for the sacraments or for opportunities for prayer. I get to work someplace where there is mass, and adoration, and retreats, and prayer! The opportunities are there when I seek them out, as well as when I need a bit more accountability. What an amazing blessing!

Sometimes exercise is hard, but I know that I always feel better when I do it regularly. I think the same can be said for faith.

As we celebrate Catholic Schools Week, I’m more reminded of the gift that Pinecrest has been in my life. This is a pretty special community, and all I can say is, “Thank you.”

Amy Bowman is the High School Principal at Pinecrest Academy. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Villanova University and a Master of Art in Teaching from the University of West Georgia. Mrs. Bowman joined Pinecrest in 2017 as a biology teacher. Named Dean of Academics in 2020, she worked closely with the High School Principal and the Dean of Students in assisting with day-to-day operations of the High School. In Spring 2022, Mrs. Bowman was named High School Principal.