Alumni - Transcript Request

Pinecrest Academy in Cumming, Georgia

Please submit the form below to request a transcript.  Please note that it is the policy of Pinecrest Academy, in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), to withhold disclosure of personally identifiable information from education records unless the individual has consented to disclosure or FERPA allows disclosure.

By completing the form below, you attest that you are the Pinecrest Academy alum requesting your educational records.

If you are the parent, legal guardian, or someone else, please contact the Registrar to obtain the Permission to Disclose Education Records form and have the alum complete and submit to the Registrar.

Upon submission of the Transcript Request form, the $10 transcript fee (per transcript), and Permission to Disclose Education Records form, the alum’s Pinecrest Academy educational records will be released.  If you have not already paid the fee, please contact the Business Office at (770) 888-4477 x5168 to make payment and verify that all outstanding financial commitments have been met.

If you have any questions please contact the Registrar or call (770) 888- 4477, x5105.